Dear Future AMT,
Dear Future AMT,
You decided to become an AMT, how exciting! After years of schooling, I am sure you have a lot of questions… I know I did!
I know you are curious about what to expect as an AMT, but quite honestly, no one can really tell you. Every time a new aircraft comes out, the field changes, and so does our outlook on it.
However, here are some words of advice I can share with you:
Aviation is full of cycles; be prepared!
Aviation is not a one-stop-shop or a one size fits all kind of industry. You work weekends, holidays, and many of us nights.
I hate to say it like this, but aviation is not a place you come to if you are looking for stability—especially those who choose to work commercial. Most of the time, you have to consider having backups because you never know when things might fall apart. Take, for example, Coronavirus and what it has done to the industry… OUCH!
But remember, there is an up! We might be in the low part right now, but when the cycle goes back around, the aviation industry booms! It gets to a point where finding AMT’s becomes hard, and the money is flowing! We get to travel to different areas to fix airplanes, and we make some really good money to do it!
People will always fly! It is just a matter of time! So stay positive! But also save money and be prepared, just in case.
Learn to say No!
It is YOUR certificate! If you do not feel comfortable doing something, say NO!
You cannot be forced to do something that you do not feel comfortable doing. Remember, if something happens at the end of the day, it is your certificates on the line, not anyone else's. If the job makes you feel uncomfortable and makes you feel like you have to question others' safety, say no.
Do what is best for you and the people flying in that aircraft!
Your tools DO NOT define you!
Sometimes the best mechanics have the cheapest brand tools, and the worst mechanics have the most expensive brand tools. Your tools truly do not define you. You do not need to go into bankruptcy because of your tools. If you want to have a top brand named tools and cannot afford it, consider purchasing them one at a time or through personal sellers or online market places.
You will find what tools work best for you, and your taste in tools will change over the years. I know mine did!
One thing I will say is to consider purchasing a good pair of safety wire pliers and side cutters! You will thank me later.
Check out my top 10 must favorite tools in my toolbox here….
Don’t be afraid to mess up! But DO ask questions!
Messing up is part of the job. I would be lying if I said I never messed up or broke something or forgot something. But I will say OWN UP TO YOUR MISTAKE! Hiding the fact that you messed up only makes others think that you are incompetent and can not be trusted. Remember, in aviation, you are dealing with hundreds of people's lives at a time. If you mess up and do not tell anyone, you are putting all of their lives in jeopardy. Don’t be that guy or gal! Fess up! Own it! Learn from it! It is a lesson not a life sentence.
If you are stuck, STOP what you are doing and ASK QUESTIONS! No one will look at you less or like you are dumb for asking questions (if they do, they shouldn’t be in the industry). If you happen to find a senior mechanic who is willing to teach you, stick to them like glue! Some of the best mechanics I have ever worked with had some of the worst attitudes I have ever encountered, but they were willing to teach. So I listened!
Have patience, listen, and go by your manual!!!! Aviation is constantly changing, and so do our manuals. So, check the manuals… AGAIN! GO BY YOUR MANUAL!
Remember, the learning never stops. The moment you do stop learning, that’s the moment you lose your passion and you can grow bitter.
Don’t be afraid to move!
Some of the best jobs in the world for AMT’s are overseas or in different states. If you choose to work for an airline, home is only a flight away. If you are fortunate enough to work abroad, you might be gone for months at a time, but it is worth it when you come home!
The only person who can limit you is yourself. Be open to the unknown, and take chances. You won't
regret it!
Don't Settle!
Suppose you aren’t happy with what you are doing, move! There are so many different aspects of aviation that you can get into and so many other companies you can work for, find what makes you happy!
Remember, with your A&P, you can look into working:
- Aviation
- Private
- Overhaul Shop
- Helicopters
- Military (as a civilian contractor)
- Power companies
- Cruise Ships
- Theme Park ride Maintenance
- Wind Turbine
- etc.
Aviation is truly a rewarding career choice and it will get easier! My favorite part of the job is when you see an aircraft take-off, and the thing that goes through your head is, “Wow! That thing is flying because of me!” It is because of you that families can reunite, explorers can ignite their wanderlust, and the world stays connected. What we do is life-changing. Never forget that!
If you are looking for work, head to www.AMTJOBOPENINGS.com, and type entry-level in the search bar. It is a website I help manage to help those looking for AMT jobs find work, and those looking to become AMT’s find the help they need.
I hope it helps!
Congratulations again!
Elena & many other AMT’s from around the world
Share your advice in the comment section below!
First of all, hanks so much for the advice! I’m interested in becoming an AMT and was wondering: would you recommend having a job in the industry while attending school? Is that feasible?
Thanks again for sharing, reading this blog has been very helpful and inspiring!
reyes on